Slide Participation in the 4th conference on engineering science and technology is Free Slide All accepted Parers will be published in the Journal of Alasmarya University immediatly after the conference Slide Faculty of Engineering at Asmarya Islamic University
Slide Journal of Alasmarya University refereed Scientific juornal, issued by the Research Scientific Center at Alasmarya Islamic University- Libya

ISSN : 9532-2706 (print)
ISSN : 9524-2706(online)

Important Dates

1. Open for full paper submission 2021/06/01
2. Deadline for full paper submission 2021/09/15
3. Acceptance notification 2021/10/15
4. Open for registration 2021/10/15
5. Deadline for full paper corrections 2021/11/15
6. Conference dates 2021/12/16-14