الاسم ثلاثي: سالم إبراهيم الكوشي

الدرجة العلمية: استاد مساعد

البريد الجامعي: s.alkoshis@asmarya.edu.ly

Salem Alkoshi : Google Scholar

رقم الهاتف: 0919816465

  • وكيل الكلية
  • عضو هيئة التحرير في مجلة الجامعة الاسمرية
  • عضو الفريق البحثي في العمل مع مشروع ابتكار
نبذة عن المسار الأكاديمي
  • بكالوريوس كلية التقنية الطبية مصراتة
  • ماجستير كلية التقنية الطبية مصراتة
  • دكتوراه The University of Malaya الجامعة المالاوية ماليزيا
المجالات البحثية

Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine
Journal of Applied Sciences
Iranian Journal of Public Health (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
Value in health
Libyan Journal of Medicine (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
BMC Public Health (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
International Journal Community Medicine Public Health
Libyan Journal of Medical Sciences
Al Asmarya Islamic Journal
Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences
Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases
أعلى تصنيف
Annual International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health (BioMedPub)
46th APACPH conference
7. Thirtieth Intercountry Meeting of National Managers of the Expanded Programme on Immunization and Seventeenth Intercountry Meeting on Measles/Rubella Control and Elimination, Muscat, Oman
monitoring and evaluation of the national programmes on immunization, Sharm el sheikh, Egypt
ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress

الأنشطة العلمية والمهنية الخارجية
  • تعاون مع المركز الوطني لمكافحة الامراض
  • منظمة الصحة العالمية
  • منظمة الامومة والطفولة اليونيسيف

1. Alkoshi, S.; Smeo, M.; Dahlui, M. A Review on Gastroenteritis Infection in Libya. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. ASP. Volume 6, Number 1, January 2014 , pp. 133-136(4) (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
2. Alkoshi, S.; Maimaiti, N.; Dahlui M. Cost Analysis of Rotaviral Treatment, in Libyan Public Hospitals. Journal of Applied Sciences. Volume 14, Issue: 19, Year: 2014, Page No.: 2299-2303 (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
3. Alkoshi S, Ernst K, Maimaiti N, Dahlui M. Rota Viral Infection: A Significant Disease Burden to Libya. Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 43, No.10, Oct 2014, pp.1356-1363 (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication).
4. Dahlui M, Alkoshi S, Maimaiti N, Baudouin S. CEA of Introducing Rotavirus Vaccine in Libya. Value in health. 2014;17(7):A679 (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication).
5. Salem Alkoshi, Namaitijang Maimaiti, Maznah Dahlui, Cost-effectiveness analysis of rotavirus vaccination among Libyan children using a simple economic model. Libyan J Med 2014, 9: 26236 (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication).
6. Alkoshi S, Leshem E, Parashar UD, Dahlui M. Anticipating rotavirus vaccines–a pre-vaccine assessment of incidence and economic burden of rotavirus hospitalizations among children< 5 year of age in Libya, 2012-13. BMC Public Health (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication). 2015;15(1):26
7. Salem I Alkoshi, Kacey C Ernst, Maznah B Dahlui. Antibiotic usage for rotaviral diarrhea among children in Libya. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2016; 3(1): 37-41
8. Miftah A, M. Alkoshi SI, Ernst KC, Nagib SM. Frequency of rota virus infection among children in North-Eastern Region of Libya: A hospital-based study from Almarj. Libyan J Med Sci 2017;1:76-9.
9. M. Alkoshi SI, Ernst KC. Effectiveness of a nationwide measles vaccination campaign in Libya, 2005: Retrospective study. Libyan J Med Sci 2018; 2:16-21
10. Salem Alkoshi. Coverage rates of routine vaccinations and the potential reasons of low coverage for Libyan children in 2017: a cross-sectional study. Al Asmarya Islamic Journal 2019; 33:82-91
11. Alkoshi, S. and E. Leshem, Lower Coverage Rates of Full Rotavirus Vaccine Series in Libyan Children: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study, 2016. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2020. 49(3): p. 487-494. (ISI & SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
12. Alkoshi S. Estimate Coverage Rate and Efficiency of Social Mobilization for Nationwide bOPV and MR Vaccination Campaign in Libya, 2017. Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences. 2021; 7 (1) :39-45
13. Alkoshi S. Surveillance of measles disease in Libya, 2018. Libyan J Med Sci 2021;5:111-5
14. Alkoshi, S. (2022). “Measles disease outbreak and genotype identification in Libya, 2018.” Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 12(2).



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