الرئيسية » محمد على منصور اغويله 

أستاذ مساعد : د. محمد علي منصور غويلة
بكالوريوس طب وجراحة : جامعة بنغازي
دكتوراه جراحة عظام : جامعة ماليزيا الوطنية
التخصص الدقيق : جراحة العمود الفقرى
الإيميل الأكاديميm.gwila@asmarya.edu.ly

00000000000 : Google scholar

تنزيل السيرة الذاتية CV 

نبذة عن المسار الاكاديمي

Ministry of health license , Orthopedic and traumatology surgeon ,UAE .June 2019.
Specialist of Orthopedic and Traumatology ,MOH – UAE Certificate No. 127728/2019
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute ,Bologna- Italy 2019.
Fellowship in degenerative and oncology spine surgery with prof Alessandro Gasbarrini.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC) –KL/ Malaysia. 2011
National Conjoint Board of Advanced Medical Study degree in Surgery (Orthopedic and Traumatology).
Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh – UK. Aug. 2011.
Membership of Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (MRCS).
Medical Council of Canada Montreal /Canada . 2005.
Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination.
Garyounis University, Faculty of Medicine ,Benghazi – Libya. 2002
Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.B.B.Ch).
Garyounis University hospitals Benghazi-Libya . Oct. 2002 up to Sept. 2003
Internship, in the discipline of General Surgery, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Family& Community
medicine , Psychiatry and Pediatric


 Head of orthopedic Department, Zliten Teaching Hospital – Libya , 2015-2018.
Head of Human resource office at Zliten Teaching Hospital – Libya , 2013-2018.
Senior Lecturer at Zliten Medical College- AL Asmrya Islamic University since 2015.
Head of study and examination office at Zliten Medical College – Libya , 2014-2015.
A member of scientific committee at Zliten Teaching Hospital – Libya, since 2014.
General orthopedic trainer at Zliten Teaching Hospital for Libyan board trainees.
General orthopedic trainer at Zliten Teaching Hospital for Arab board for Medical
subspecialties trainees.
A member of Libyan Orthopedic Association.
A member of SICOT .
A member of Libyan hand surgery association.

المجالات البحثية
الأنشطة العلمية والمهنية الخارجية

✓ Spine Oncology and Infection course : Bologna –Italy 2019
✓ AO Spine Local Seminar – Traumatic Spine Injury :Percutaneous fixation with intraoperative CT
Navigation , Bergamo –Italy 2019.
✓ Principle of Orthopedic Trauma course ,Tripoli–Libya (March 2019 ).
✓ 1st Zliten Foot & Ankle Symposium, Zliten –Libya (December 2018).
✓ 1st Zliten hand and microsurgery symposium, Zliten –Libya (November 2018 )
✓ 19th Libyan orthopedic association Conference , cyrnica–Libya (August 2018 )
✓ 1stZliten Pediatric Orthopedic Scientific Day on Cerebral palsy , Zliten –Libya (July 2018 )
✓ 1ST Zliten Pediatric Orthopedic Symposium , Zliten –Libya (March 2018 )
✓ 2nd Zliten Orthopedic Trauma Course (OTC) , Zliten –Libya (February 2018 )
✓ 50th Malaysian Orthopedic Association, May 2017.
✓ 1st Zliten Orthopedic Trauma Course (OTC) , Zliten –Libya (February 2017 )
✓ 1st Zliten Orthopedic Symposium , Zliten –Libya (March 2016 )
✓ 18th Libyan Orthopedic Association meeting ,Tripoli-Libya (November 2012)
✓ 1st International Congress Trauma Orthopedic Surgery, Benghazi, Libya (Mar.2012 )
✓ 41st Malaysian Orthopedic Association, Annual General Meeting / Annual Scientific Meeting
& 5th ASEAN Arthroplasty Association Meeting 2011.
✓ 2st Malaysian Foot & Ankle Symposium (UKMMC) 2011.
✓ 7th Survival Skills Course in Orthopedic Clinical Examination (Penang General Hospital) 2011.
✓ 17th Postgraduate Intensive Course in Orthopedics (UKMMC) 2011.
✓ 7th Annual Scientific Meeting / Annual General Meeting (Malaysian Society for Surgery of the
Hand 2011.
✓ Orthopedics Basic Science Course (UKMMC) 2010.
✓ Scoliosis Symposium and live surgery (UKMMC) 2010.
✓ Orthopedics Basic Trauma Workshop (UKMMC) 2010.
✓ 16th Postgraduate Intensive Course in Orthopedics (UKMMC) 2010.
✓ Orthopedics Basic Science Course (UKMMC) 2009.
✓ Clinical Epidemiology &Research Methodology (CERM) Workshop in conjunction with 11th
Medical & Health Research Week (UKMMC) 2009.
✓ SPSS workshop (UKMMC) 2009.
✓ A O Course, Principle In Operative Fracture Management, (UMMC) 2009.
✓ 20th Basic Suturing & Anastomosis Workshop (UKMMC) 2009.
✓ 1st Malaysian Foot & Ankle Symposium (UKMMC) 2008.
✓ 28th ASEAN Orthopedic Association Congress, 38th Malaysian Orthopedic Association
AGM/ASM (incorporating the 4th Instructional Course of the American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgery) Malaysia, 2008.
✓ American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS) – Malaysian Orthopedic Association
(MOA) Education Program, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008.
✓ Course on Publication in Biomedical Journal (UMMC) 2008.
✓ 14th Postgraduate Intensive Course in Orthopedics (PPUKM) 2008.
✓ Biomechanics Course (UMMC) 2008.
✓ Postgraduate Intensive Course in Orthopedics part I (UKMMC) 2007.
✓ Postgraduate Intensive Course in Orthopedics part I (UKMMC) 2006.
✓ Orthopedic Foundation Course II (UKMMC) 2006.
✓ Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course, McMaster University Medical center,
Canada 2005.
✓ Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) course, McGill University Health Center, Canada 2005.
✓ English Proficiency Course at Education Canada College, Canada 2005.
✓ TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) certificate, 2005.
✓ Kaplan Preparation Course in Medical Sciences at Kaplan Education Center of Montreal,
Canada 2004.


Mohamed Gwila, Abdul Haim Abd Rashid,Sharaf Ibrahim. ( The Surgical Treatment and Outcome of
Blount Disease in a Tertiary Hospital ) : A 10-year Review : Al Asmarya medica
journal .Vol.1,Issue1,2018.
Dr.abdurahim Aljayar,Dr.mohamed gwila,Dr.moattaz Aljayar ( Local skin flaps in construction of digital tissue loss
,Aconcise variety) : International journal of current research . Vol.11,issue,07,July 201

البريد الإلكتروني





مركز زليتن الطبي

زليتن - ليبيا



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