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  • Supervise the preparation of administrative, financial and training plans and plans relating to services, procurement, warehouses, university guard, technical affairs and projects. Additionally, oversee the preparation of the plans budgets, timetables, and implementation policies.

  • Supervise the preparation of the annual budget of the university, follow up the related negotiations with the competent authorities and work towards budget approval.

  • Chair the Personnel Committee, submit its outcomes for accreditation and follow up on the implementation of its recommendations.

  • Chair the Personnel Disciplinary Committee, submit its outcomes for accreditation and follow up on the implementation of its recommendations.

  • Supervise the preparation of the annual report of the university activities and other periodic reports associated with its scope of supervision.

  • Supervise the preparation and submit the closing account of the university for accreditation.

  • Supervise the implementation of the approved organizational structure, supervise the preparation of annual staffing and submit the proposal for accreditation.

  • Submit the appropriate proposals to develop the university work, simplify procedures and supervise the preparation of administrative, financial and technical manuals.

A distinguished Islamic university in the field of higher education and scientific research in Islamic, humanitarian and applied sciences that effectively contributes to the promotion of social peace and the creation of sustainable national development.


Contact Us 

Phone Number
     (++218)-51 462 0044
     (++218)-51 462 6679
     (++218)-51 462 3231

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A distinguished Islamic university in the field of higher education and scientific research in Islamic, humanitarian and applied sciences that effectively contributes to the promotion of social peace and the creation of sustainable national development.


Contact Us 

Phone Number
     (++218)-51 462 0044
     (++218)-51 462 6679
     (++218)-51 462 3231

Technical support 
Complaints and suggestions

Number of Visitors


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