الجامعة الأسمرية الإسالمية

الاسم : فاطمة محمد محمد فرحات

الدرجة العلمية:  محاضر

البريد الجامعي: 

الباحث العلمي : Fatma M.Farhat

رقم الهاتف: 0928204471

  • عضو هيئة التدريس
  • باحثة في Discourse Analysis, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, The application of SFL Notion
نبذة عن المسار الأكاديمي
    1- Master of English as a second language (MESL), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016.
    2-Bachelor of English Language, Al-Margheb University, Zliten, Libya, 2006. Graduated as the top student and had a scholarship in 2007.
المجالات البحثية
  • PUBLICATIONS1- A Systemic Linguistic Analysis of Process Types, Participant Roles and Modality Types in Obama’s Speeches on Muslim World Issues. University of Malaya.
    2- A Functional Analysis of Teacher Talk in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom at Al-Asmariya University “A Case Study of Classroom Discourse within the Perspective of SFL. Alasmarya Islamic University Journal 33 (2), 674- 700, 2020.


     A committee member for graduate projects oral examination / Faculty of Arts, Zliten. June 2016 & 2018.
     A supervisor of Graduate researches, Fall 2016, 2017. Spring 2018. And Fall 2019/2020:
    1. A systemic Functional Analysis of Experiential Meaning in the kids Story/ The Man and the Sea (Fall 2016/ 2017).
    2. An investigation of Pronunciation Problems Faced by the Students at Al Asmariya University (Spring, 2017).
    3. Transitivity Choices in Two Different Versions of the Story Little Red Riding Hood (Spring 2018).
    3. WORKING  English Lecturer at Faculties of English Studies in Libya, since 10/ April 2016 up to now.  English Instructor: The Faculty of Arts, Zliten, Almergheb University, since 1/10/2008 to Date 30/ 5/2009.
     Teacher of English Language: At Al Intisar Secondary School, Algwelat, Zliten, Libya. Since 1/ 3/2007 to Date 30/ 5/2009.
     Instructor of English Language: at Different Language centers and institutions, since 1/08/2006 To Date 22/ 10/2008.

الأنشطة العلمية والمهنية الخارجية
  • 1-A Systemic Linguistic Analysis of Process Types, Participant Roles and Modality Types in Obama’s Speeches on Muslim World Issues. University of Malaya.
  • 2- A Functional Analysis of Teacher Talk in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom at Al-Asmariya University “A Case Study of Classroom Discourse within the Perspective of SFL. Alasmarya Islamic University Journal 33 (2), 674- 700, 2020

البريد الإلكتروني




