الاسم ثلاثي: إبراهيم علي محزوم فرحات

الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ

البريد الجامعي: I.Farhat@asmarya.edu.ly

رقم الهاتف: +218913787471

Google shcolar:Ibrahim Farhat

  • عضو هيئة التدريس
  • عميد كلية الهندسة بالجامعة
نبذة عن المسار الأكاديمي
  • سبتمبر 2012 سبتمبر 2012 الدكتوراة في الهندسة الكهربائية- قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والكمبيوتر، جامعة دالهاوسي، هاليفاكس-نوفاسكونشيا- كندا.
  • مايو 2011 شهادة التعليم والتعلم الجامعي، جامعة دالهاوسي، هاليفاكس-نوفاسكوتشيا- كندا.
  • مارس 2003 درجة الماجستيرفي الهندسة الكهربائية- قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والكمبيوتر، جامعة كونكورديا، مونتريال- كيبك- كندا.
  • مارس 1991 درجة البكالوريوس في الهندسة الكهربائية- قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية، جامعة طرابلس، طرابلس- ليبيا. الخبرة العملية:——
  • يناير 2023- أستاذ – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • إبريل 2021- عميد كلية الهندسة – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • يناير 2019 – أستاذ مشارك – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • اغسطس2014-ابريل 2018 عميد كلية الهندسة – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • يناير 2015 – يناير2019 أستاذ مساعد – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • يونيو2014- يناير 2015 محاضر – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية – الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية – زليتن، ليبيا.
  • يناير2013- يونيو2014 محاضر – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والحاسوب – جامعة المرقب – الخمس، ليبيا.
  • مايو 2011- سبتمبر2012 محاضر – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والكمبيوتر، جامعة دالهاوسي، هاليفاكس-نوفاسكونشيا- كندا.
  • سبتمبر2007- مارس2012 مساعد باحث ومساعد محاضر – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والكمبيوتر، جامعة دالهاوسي، هاليفاكس-نوفاسكونشيا- كندا.
  • سبتمبر2003- سبتمبر 2007 محاضر مساعد – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والحاسوب –جامعة المرقب – الخمس، ليبيا.
  • سبتمبر2000- مارس2003 مساعد باحث ومساعد محاضر – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والكمبيوتر، جامعة كونكورديا، مونتريال- كيبك- كندا.
  • سبتمبر1996- سبتمبر2000 معيد – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية والحاسوب –جامعة المرقب – الخمس، ليبيا.
  • Education Sep 2012 PhD degree in Electrical Engineering. Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax-Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • May 2011 Certificate in University Teaching and Learning, Dalhousie University, Halifax-Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • March 2003 Master of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Concordia University, Montreal-Québec, Canada. March 1991 BSc. Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering, Tripoli University, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Tripoli-Libya. Employment
  • Jan 2023- Now Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • April 2021- Now Dean, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • Jan 2019- Now Associate Prof, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • Aug 2014-Apr 2018 Dean, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • Jan 2015-Jan 2019 Assistant Prof, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • June 2014-Jan 2015 Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Al-Asmarya University, Zliten-Libya.
  • Jan 2013-June 2014 Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Almergib University, AlKhoms-Libya.
  • May 2011-Sep 2012 Lecture, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax-Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Sep2007- Mar 2012 Teaching and Research Assistant (PhD Program), Dalhousie University-Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Halifax-Nova Scotia, Canada. Sep 2003- Sep 2007 Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Almergib University. AlKhoms-Libya.
  • Sep 2000-Mar 2003 Teaching and Research Assistant (Postgraduate Student), Concordia University, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Montreal-Canada. (Master’s program sponsored by Waha Oil Company of Libya)
  • Sep 1996-Sep 2000 Teaching and Research Assistant, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering- Almergib University, AlKhoms-Libya.
المجالات البحثية

A reviewer and referee for a number of journals, transactions and conferences, including:

• International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

• IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

• International Journal of Engineering and Information Technology (IJEIT)

• 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering – IEEE CCECE 2011

• 25th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering – IEEE CCECE2012 . . Alasmarya Journal for basic and applied sciences . . . 3rd Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CEST-2020). – 4th Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CEST-2020).

• Others.

الأنشطة العلمية والمهنية الخارجية

• The Certificate of Accomplishment of “Auditors in Quality Assurance and Accreditation” Training Course

• The Certificate of “Planning and Control of Industrial Management” Program

• The Certificate of “Engineering Systems Reliability Techniques and Applications”

• The Certificate of Completion of “The Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Zones” Training Program

• Certificate in University Teaching and Learning

• The Certificate of Achievement of the “Microsoft and Windows Operating Systems” Workshop

• The Completion Certificate of the “Development of the Presentation and Public Speaking skills” Course

• The Certificate of the “Financial Literacy in Canada” Program . Others


Publications: – Books

[1] I.A. Farhat, Economically and Environmentally Optimized Power System Operations, New York, USA: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing & Co. KG Saarbrucken, Germany, 2012.

[2] I.A. Farhat, Fault Diagnosis in Electric Power Transmission Systems, Balti, Republic of Moldova: Noor publishing, 2017. -Journal and Conference papers

[3] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Optimization methods applied for solving the short-term hydrothermal coordination problem,” Electr. Power Syst. Res., vol. 79, pp. 1308-1320, 9. 2009.

[4] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Interior point methods application in optimum operational scheduling of electric power systems,” Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, vol. 3; 3, pp. 1020-1029, 2009.

[5] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Short-term hydro-thermal scheduling using an improved bacterial foraging algorithm,” in Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2009 IEEE, pp. 1-5, 2009.

[6] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Modified bacterial foraging algorithm for optimum economic dispatch,” in Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2009 IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2009. [7] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Dynamic adaptive bacterial foraging algorithm for optimum economic dispatch with valve-point effects and wind power,” Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, vol.4, pp. 989-999, 2010.

[8] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Fixed-head hydro-thermal scheduling using a modified bacterial foraging algorithm,” Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2010 IEEE.

[9] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Scheduling of Variable-Head Hydro-Thermal Generation Using an Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Algorithm,” 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011. CCECE 2011.

[10] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Short-Term Coordination of Hydro-Thermal Systems with Cascaded Reservoirs Using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm,” 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011. CCECE 2011.

[11] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Short-term hydro-thermal scheduling with environmental considerations using bacterial foraging algorithm,” 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011. CCECE 2011.

[12] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for Optimum Economic-emission Dispatch,” Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2011 IEEE.

[13] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Multi-Objective Short-Term Hydro-Thermal Scheduling Using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm,” Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2011 IEEE.

[14] I.A. Farhat and M.E. El-Hawary, “Short-Term Hydro-Thermal Generation Scheduling using a Modified Bacterial Foraging Algorithm,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

[15] I.A. Farhat, “Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Distributed Generation in Distribution Systems,” International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering, vol: 7, pp. 461-465, no.8, 2013.

[16] I.A. Farhat, “Optimal Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Using Artificial Immune System,” International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering, vol: 8, pp. 75-81, no.1, 2013.

[17] I.A. Farhat and M. BinHasan, “Application of Support Vector Machines in Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Power Transmission Lines,” International Conference on Power Engineering and Technology, vol: 2, pp. 141-147, no.6, 2014.

[18] I.A. Farhat and Abdullah O. Hawal, “Distribution Generation Optimal Size and Placement using an Enhanced Sequential Quadratic Programming,” Al-Asmarya Journal for basic and applied sciences, vol: 1, pp. 69-83, no.1, June 2016.

[19] I.A. Farhat and A. O. Albakosh, “Multi-Objective Optimum Economic-Emission Dispatch Considering the Environmental Aspects,” Journal of Humanities and Applied Science (JHAS), Vol 28. , No. 1, June 2016.

[20] I.A. Farhat and A. O. Albakosh, “Stability Analysis of Controlled DC Motor,” The International Journal of Engineering and Information Technology (Ijeit), Vol 3. , No. 1, Dec 2016. [21] I.A. Farhat and M. BinHasan, “Fault Diagnosis, Testing and Responses of Induction Motor Systems,” Al-Asmarya Journal for basic and applied sciences, vol: 2, pp. 69-83, no.30, June 2017.

[22] I.A. Farhat, “An enhanced JAYA Algorithm for Optimum Thermal-Wind Power System Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effects,” The International Journal of Engineering and Information Technology (Ijeit), Vol 6. , No. 1, Dec 2019.

[23] I.A. Farhat, “A Dynamic Bacterial Foraging Search Algorithm for Maximum Loadability of Power Systems,” Third International conference technical Science, National Board for Technical and Vocational Education, 28-30 November 2020.

[24] I.A. Farhat and Abdullah O. Hawal, “Optimized Maximum Loadability of Power Systems using an Enhanced Dynamic JAYA Algorithm,” Third Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CEST-2020), 1-3 December 2020.

[25] I.A. Farhat and Abdullah O. Hawal, “Optimized Maximum Loadability of Power Systems using an Enhanced Dynamic JAYA Algorithm,” International Journal of Advances in Signal and Image Sciences 6 (2), 1-7, 3 December 2020.

[26] I.A. Farhat M. M. Sofia and A.S. Kagilik, “Investment Promotion in Renewable Energy in Libya; Vision & Methodology,” AIUE Proceedings of the 2nd Energy and Human Habitat Conference, pp. 1-6, 26 July 2021.

[27] I.A. Farhat, “A Modified Dynamic Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for an Enhanced Power System State Estimation,” The 4th conference on Engineering Science and Technology-CEST-2021, pp. 461-469, 14-16 December 2021.

[28] I.A. Farhat, “A Modified Dynamic Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for an Enhanced Power System State Estimation,” Al-Asmarya Journal for basic and applied sciences, vol: 6, no:5, pp. 466-478, Dec 2021.

[29] I.A. Farhat, “An Improved Power System State Estimation using a Dynamically Adapted JAYA Algorithm,” Al-Asmarya Journal for basic and applied sciences, vol: 6, no:5, pp. 136-144, Dec 2022.

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